
Oscar reaches the finals of National Public Speaking Competition

Congratulations to Oscar Chowney who has reached the final of the Gresham College National Public Speaking competition for year 12 students in Great Britain.  He has been invited to take part in the final presentations held in London on the 24th January, which is Speak Up and Succeed Day.  The topics for the finalists are focused on the environment and sustainability, Oscar has chosen to debate ‘what more should the UK Government do about the environment to benefit your generation? 

The competition is to promote the art of communicating complex information in a clear and concise way, helping students to broaden their knowledge and skills and introducing them to world class research and academics. 

There are 11 students shortlisted and three prizes available, which include a cash prize and medal for the winner but also the College will benefit as well from access to lectures and Professors and senior leaders. 

Oscar, who previously attended Rodborough school in Godalming, is a self-motivated student who took the opportunity of the +Explore: Debating programme at College.  The programme is additional to his full programme of study, which includes Economics, Politics and Geography and other +Enrichment activities such as The Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award, First Aid and an Extended Project Qualification.  He has also joined the Aspire programme, which is for students who are looking to join top class universities or competitive courses at university.   

Oscar decided to enter the Gresham College competition after seeing it in information provided to the Debating group. Until this year, Oscar had not taken part in any Public Speaking engagements or competitions and so it is even more remarkable that he has reached the final of a national competition. He is, of course, very pleased to be shortlisted and have the opportunity to take part in the finals in London and is looking forward to meeting the academics who are judging the final outcomes. 

Politics has been a great interest of Oscar’s for many years, and he has undertaken interviews with leading politicians which have been published online.  He hopes one day to be involved in government as a Civil Servant, perhaps working with international trade negotiations.  We wish him all the best for his Public Speaking competition and for his future career aspirations. 

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