
Student Focus

Coco P (History: Revolutions & Rebellion)

As someone who had little idea of what I was going to pursue in the future, the History Revolutions and Rebellions course at Godalming was appealing because of its range of topics.

Kiran J (Maths and Further Maths A Level)

My choice of A Levels was very much influenced by my desire to ultimately move in the direction of engineering or computing. For both these fields it was clear that doing both A Level Maths and Further Maths was required or highly desirable. 

Viktoria P (Economics A Level)

Studying Economics has expanded my understanding of the world economy and why it functions in the ways that it does. It sparked my interest in statistics, and I am now planning to study Maths and Statistics at university

Rufus H (Media A Level)

The course itself gives a great overview and understanding of what modern and traditional media is as well as how we as the audience are led to interpret what we see.

Tom C (History: Democracy & Dictators A Level)

The main appeal of the History D&D course is the diversity of the aspects of the courses, the majority of which I had never studied or looked at before, including the Cold War and the Wars of the Roses – which turned out to be my favourite parts of the course!

Emily V (Health & Social Care BTEC Ext Certificate)

I was drawn to study Health and Social Care due to my passion for understanding and improving human well-being

Summer I (Law A Level)

The Law A Level course has taught me to be more open minded because the law always asks you to look at multiple angles and consider multiple factors.. 

Dominic K (Drama and Theatre Studies and Performing Arts)

My experience at ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½ has been absolutely amazing and the time I have spent here has allowed me to create bonds with people that I never would have met otherwise. 

Arune H (Environmental Science)

Environmental Science A Level has been a fascinating course to study due to the broad range of content from basic features of aircraft design and agricultural techniques to soil types and the more expected topic of conservation.

Jasper S (Business BTEC Extended Certificate)

The course looked at finance, HR, management and international business.

Lois Boyle (English Language and Linguistics)

English Language has helped me in ways I wouldn’t have expected - not only has it helped me with my writing and analysis skills in my other subjects, but the linguistic aspects ended up helping me with university interviews 
and into parts of my future study in terms of language learning.

Keira Gray (Travel and Tourism)

I chose the BTEC in Travel and Tourism because I always knew that it was an industry that I wanted to work in but I was unsure about what role I would take.

Anna Casey (Dance)

I chose this course because I wanted to develop my skills across all different dance styles and was excited to study a course which I was passionate about.

Joe Chinnock (PE)

 In A level PE I have tested my physical and mental fitness in lessons to understand the theory behind it to a greater degree, as well as taking part in group tasks against other class members.

Zethu Nyemenya (Applied Science)

BTEC Applied Science has helped Zethu understand how modern-day science works and how it is implemented in other industries, and the teacher's guidance has been invaluable in helping achieve academic goals.

Katie Beetson (Environmental Science)

Overall, I believe the knowledge gained in this A level is essential for everyone to know due to the appreciation and understanding of your actions it gives - even if you aren’t planning to have a career in Environmental Science.

Annelieze and Arielle Quirit (Physics)

Twins Annelieze and Arielle have the same career ambitions but have taken different A Level courses.  The describe their experience of the Physics course and how they have been supported through their time at College.

Daniel MacNeil (Psychology)

The department has been excellent throughout my study with offering help sessions, providing accessible resources (with topic booklets) and preparing us for exams with practice ‘benchmarks’ regularly. In my first year, outside of the course, I had the opportunity to do the understanding addiction enrichment course which has expanded my understanding of a complex issue and further illustrates the departments specialties.

Megan Packman (Sociology)

Sociology is a brilliant subject to choose, throughout your two year course there is a wide array of subjects covered from family, education as well as Crime and Stratification. The teachers for this course are very helpful and always willing to provide sufficient support whenever it is asked.

Lily Beard (Physics)

I definitely recommend physics at ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½ as it has convinced me to apply for engineering at university, from the wonderful support system that Godalming has to offer to the enrichment programme.

Lottie Forsyth (Psychology)

 I knew from the outset that Psychology was going to be the course that would be completely unique to me, especially as there were various overlaps between my two other subjects, and that’s what initially drew me to the subject – there’s nothing else like it! There have been various parts of the course which I have been able to relate to my own life experiences, and that’s exactly why I find the lessons so intriguing. 

Esmeralda Selvage (History of Art)

History of Art has also synthesised beautifully with my other subjects: History and English Literature. Having a background knowledge of historical periods from an artistic perspective has allowed me to have a greater insight into the topics I study in both subjects. For example, I am able to link my knowledge of the Expressionist art movement to a play I study in my literature class, ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’. The course has similarly inspired the topic of my EPQ, which discussed the repatriation of historical artefacts. The initial inspiration of this debate stemmed from a piece studied as part of the first-year content in History of Art - the Benin Bronzes. 

Blake Butler (Film Studies)

I can’t recommend film studies enough, I have loved my two years studying this course and am going on to study film at a highly regarded university, which only reflects the quality of this subject and its impact on me. I have found A Level Film Studies to be a great foundation for learning about the history of cinema and the work that goes into a film, and great preparation for when I come to make my own films.

Tariq Cannings (Dance)

Starting College I wanted to take Dance BTEC because I wanted to learn multiple different styles of Dance, so that I would later be prepared to take the next step of my Dance career.

Ella Bradley (Biology)

At Godalming, the Biology department is incredible, through the last 2 years the amount of support and encouragement I’ve received has been so helpful. I didn’t know what I wanted to do after College, but while learning about immunology and gene technologies, I realised that studying pharmacology at uni would be a perfect fit. 

Wiktor Sarga (Applied Science)

Wiktor studies two BTEC subjects and an A Level and have benefitted from a lot of support ranging from tutor help, to drop in workshops, and excellent teacher feedback.

Toby Bolton (PE)

PE has always been Toby's favourite subject and it combines well with Biology and Psychology A Levels.

Ethan Rouse (Drama and Theatre Studies and Performing Arts)

The environment created within Classaction is totally professional, and as a student you are expected to bring a certain level of professionalism with you, which makes the work you create that much more meaningful. The help I received with my audition material for drama school was outstanding, and it allowed me to get a place at Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama.

Charlotte Cragg (Drama and Theatre Studies and Performing Arts)

The teachers are incredible as they have so much passion for their subject and genuinely dedicate so much time to every student and the relationship with them feels entirely different to school as you are treated like adults. Whilst the social aspect in the department is also really special as you’re constantly working and collaborating with different people, so you do all bond very quickly. Despite there being a lot of students at College, I find as soon as you go into the department you know everyone and as cringy as it sounds, it does just feel like a big family. I’m now approaching the end of my time at College, and I do just wish I could stay one more year as the whole experience has gone way too quickly. 

Tilly Gibbons (Travel and Tourism)

When choosing the courses to take at College I took into account how exams aren't my strong suit and I would be more successful at doing a BTEC subject.  

Ruby Rose (Textiles)

 I have always been fascinated by pattern, texture and material and love experimenting with different surfaces and media. The textiles course has allowed me to learn a wide variety of new techniques and then focus on the ones I’ve particularly enjoyed. I’ve been given the opportunity to explore a selection of different artists work as well as developing my own personal style.

Max Taylor (Spanish)

The syllabus at A level covers a range of topics from lots of different disciplines: from the role of Catholicism to Frida Kahlo, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed tackling current and diverse topics, forming my own opinion on real world issues from across Spain and Latin America. Our classes are often interactive with group tasks that get everyone working together which are fun; these focus on building our reading, writing, listening and translation skills. 

Rose (Textiles)

Textiles is a lot of hard work but it is so rewarding when you can step back and finally see your work mounted on the wall and think 'I made that!', it's a very cool feeling. 

Boe Talbot (Music)

What I love most about the course is that it is very coursework heavy, this reduces the pressure when it comes up to the final exam. 60% of the course is made up performance and composition. This gives me lots of performance opportunities and time to improve on my piano playing. We also have lots of time throughout the year to compose which has prepared me well for university next year.

Freya Wild (Art)

ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½ not only supplies the resources and space to do just this, but provides rich expertise and feedback from teachers across all the departments. The scope of an art A-level creates opportunity for exploration into numerous subject areas, from architecture to textiles, digital art to sculpture and as a result, is a subject I believe relevant to any interest or career path.

India Patto (Graphic Design)

Graphic design isn’t about being excellent at drawing, for example, but instead about having a passion to express yourself creatively. Graphics allows you the freedom to create in whatever medium you choose. 

Pheobe French (Photography)

I’m currently studying photography at ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½, I initially chose it as an extra subject but ended up falling in love with it. Photography allows me to express my creative mind and gives me freedom within expression. 

Bryn Mollet (History and Politics)

I have found both history and politics to be really engaging subjects that covers a variety of fascinating topics. In politics there is always good discussion around contemporary events and how they relate to our course and the wider world and also around the core ideologies and their implications for our current society. My favourite topics are UK political parties and looking at socialism.

Emily Pearce (Geography)

Geography is an incredibly broad subject spanning a wide range of topics from those on the human side such as Global Systems and Global Governance, to Coasts and Hazards on the physical side. One of my favourite topics to study was Hazards since I’m particularly interested in how the human and physical sides of Geography are interconnected and how they interact with each other.

Emily Hazeldine (German)

What I love about the German course is the wide variety of subjects that it touches on- there are always parallels between my other A-levels and times when I can draw upon existing knowledge. Studying A Level German has helped me to improve both my German language skills and knowledge of German culture, society and its history. 

Jess Franklin (Graphic Design and Art)

Jess Franklin chose creative A levels which have led her to have a great experience in of College.  She shares her thoughts here.

Abdulai A Yusuf (Maths)

Abdulai Yusuf shares his experience and thoughts about College and how his Maths skills has helped him to create music.

Matthew Grigg (Geography)

Matthew shares his experience of Geography A Level at ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½ and his exciting news about where he is going to university.

Henry Chadwick (Music Technology)

Henry explains how Music Technology has extended one of his hobbies into an academic study and a creative challenge.  

Ellie Smith (History and Politics)

Ellie Smith feels that the History and Politics are great subjects to study together.  She tells us about her experience of these A Level subjects at ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½.

Kayanna Moutarde (Hospitality and Event Management)

Kayanna Moutarde explains her experience of the Hospitality and Event Management course at ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½ and how the BTEC has allowed her to showcase skills.

Amelia Watson (Geography A Level)
Geography is an interesting and evolving subject, the course involves engaging human topics, including globalisation along with physical topics such as coasts and hazards. My favourite topic was Hazards. We studied a variety of natural hazards, including volcanoes and tropical storms, and explored in-depth case studies such as Hurricane Katrina in the USA.
Amelie Forbes (Drama and Theatre A Level)
During my time in the Godalming drama department, I grew so much, both as a performer and as a person. Studying Drama and Theatre Studies A Level has allowed me to develop my analytical and writing skills, as well as greatly improving the depth and detail of my practical work. I have also been given lots of incredible opportunities with Class Action – in the form of productions, workshops, Q&As and more!
Andrew Elderfield (IT, Games and Web Dev BTEC)
I’m really glad that I picked IT, Games and Web Development, as it is such an interesting subject with a lot of variety. I originally took it due to my interest in the video games unit, but I have thoroughly enjoyed every part of it. Many parts of the work allow for creativity and that is a part of the subject that I have enjoyed the most, as it allows for me to give projects a personal touch. Many of the units are based around video games so I have had a lot of fun thinking of ideas and being able to work on them in lessons.
Benjamin Sellars (Philosophy A Level)
I chose Philosophy because I found myself reducing ideas and arguments to their core, and noticing it was the same questions popping up in different guises. I did not know how to answer them. Then, once having started at college, I realised that all my other subjects, when pushed and reduced also became these questions. However, this time I had an idea of how I would begin to answer them. The clear skills of critical thinking and Developed analysis, cultivated throughout the course, have meant that my future studies of Economics and politics will be supported by a strong foundation in Philosophy.
Bronwyn Bryant (Photography A Level)
Taking photography was possibly one of the best choices I could have made for my college career. Not only did we begin by learning the technical aspects of the camera but it also allowed us to develop multiple projects across the year, where I soon realised that I enjoyed photography more than I ever thought I could, even deciding that I wanted to study photography at the University Of Creative Arts on the Farnham campus.
Catherine Taylor (Computer Science A Level)
I chose to study computer science because of my love of maths and problem-solving. I did not do computer science GCSE and had no experience coding beforehand, but the subject intrigued me, so I decided to take it for A level. There are a broad range of topics within computer science A Level so there is something for everyone. There is the theory side of the course which includes topics like computer architecture, or the more maths based Boolean logic and data representation like binary.
Charles Rozario (Graphic Design and Communication A Level)
When I studied graphic design at ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½, I genuinely can not name one negative aspect, I loved every minute of it; mostly because there is such a wide range of resources available, it allowed me to explore and further my mixed media theme in my project.
Chloe Davidson (Law A Level)
With the support and encouragement of the amazing teachers in the Law department, I have developed strong analytical skills and a sense of resilience which I hope to carry with me next year studying Law at the University of Cambridge.
Claudia Carless (Art A Level)

By studying Art at A-Level, I have gained a further understanding of creative design and an awareness of the use of light, colour, shade, and texture. In addition to this, studying Graphic Design alongside Art taught me how to use a range of computer programmes such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Studying Fine Art enabled me to experiment using a variety of different mediums and styles within my work, including pointillism, collaging, linocuts, and printing. For my final project, I gained inspiration from the works of Pablo Jurado Ruiz and Debbie Smyth and created two triptychs – one being drawings of my younger sister in pointillism, and the second, three street scenes from Bordeaux, using the same pin and thread technique as Debbie Smyth but on a much smaller scale.

Dom Ferris (Politics A Level)
When I chose my A-Levels, I knew I wanted to study biology and chemistry, but did not know what to choose for my third A-Level. I was starting to feel hopeless, walking around the college on the open day, when I stumbled onto a room with teachers talking passionately about the Ancient Romans and Greeks. I felt such a desire to learn more about them that I immediately decided on Ancient History - and it is the best decision I have ever made.
Eleanor Scott (Textiles A Level)
I have learnt so many new skills on this course, such as felting, experimental sketchbook work, weaving, knitting, screen printing, indigo and rust dyeing but my favourite is freehand machine embroidery which I have used in so many of my works from writing text to creating fully stitched faces. This course is so amazing, working in the textile rooms with the other students is inspiring, the teachers are so knowledgeable and supportive with your ideas no matter how crazy they are.
Elizabeth Cummins (Design: 3D A Level)
I chose this subject because growing up I was always surrounded by designers and artists in my family, so I’ve always wanted to pursue a career in Design. At GCSE’s I took both Art and Design Technology and enjoyed them both a lot, so I was enthusiastic to carry on my studies in this area at A Levels. 3D Design at ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½ has been one of my most enjoyable subjects, as I feel free to create a high standard of work that I feel very passionate about.
Elsa Pegram (Biology A Level)
I chose to study biology at A-level as I always loved it at GCSE - it was something I could definitely see myself enjoying and I’m really happy with my decision. At first, I was worried, as biology has a reputation for being content heavy, which is true, so you have to be prepared to put in the effort, but the teachers are also there to help and support you throughout and I’ve definitely got used to it. Also, there are lots of lunchtime clinics available if there’s a topic you feel you need to go through more thoroughly to understand.
Emilia Sogaard (French A Level)
Picking French A level was one of my best choices but also a daunting one. Entering my class was slightly nerve-wracking as some of the other students had previously lived in France. But this did not mean that as someone who was not a native speaker, I was excluded. In fact, throughout my two years, students doing French were always willing to help each other and through the exciting challenge of learning a language I made some great friendships. Frédie, Françoise and Laila all encouraged me and made putting in the work feel worthwhile and rewarding.
Emily Wright (Business A Level)
The Business course has been very engaging from the start and was easy to understand the content being taught. The course starts with the foundations of business and adds all the different aspects onto this, meaning it is a great course for everyone no matter their ability.
Emma Bell (Maths A Level)
One aspect I've particularly enjoyed about the course is being able to study a combination of Statistics, Mechanics, and Pure Maths. Even though I will be pursuing languages at university, A Level Maths has provided me with valuable skills to broaden my horizons.
Florence Poulter (Textiles A Level)

Studying textiles at Godalming has been an amazing experience. Georgie and Vicky the tutors are really helpful and come up with really exciting and creative suggestions for your work. I’ve always loved textiles, when studying at GCSE I really enjoyed experimenting with different techniques and fabrics to see what I come up with

Freya King (Textiles A Level)
I have studied textiles for 7 years now and plan to continue my studies through to University. I chose the subject because I love how you can create something that can portray a message without words. Being able to change the entire atmosphere of a room with just a few materials has always inspired me to experiment with techniques and colourways.
Gemma Spencer (Ancient History A Level)
When I chose my A-Levels, I knew I wanted to study biology and chemistry, but did not know what to choose for my third A-Level. I was starting to feel hopeless, walking around the college on the open day, when I stumbled onto a room with teachers talking passionately about the Ancient Romans and Greeks. I felt such a desire to learn more about them that I immediately decided on Ancient History - and it is the best decision I have ever made.
George Norman (Design: 3D A Level)
This particular 3D Design course is very different to other ones I was looking at. It included more design orientated tasks, which was just up my street for my future education. These tasks included sketching as well as CAD work, but with the CAD work, I had no previous experience. Both my teachers helped me using this new CAD software and by the end of even the first lesson, I already had a grasp on how to use them, which was key as it was used throughout the course.
Grace Pickering (Chemistry A Level)
The Chemistry department is very strong and allowed me to understand the intricacies of the subject in a way that GCSEs couldn’t. There is a lot of support within the department – you are always encouraged to ask for help and achieve as much as you can. The practicals are particularly entertaining lessons because you get to experiment first-hand on the theories that you study.
Hannah Tate (Music A Level)
The department is so friendly and encouraging and although I found this A level very challenging at first, it was so rewarding and enjoyable and I really feel my understanding of music has increased enormously. I wasn’t too keen on going to College at all originally, but if I hadn’t chosen to do Music I would never have considered going on to study it later on. Next year I am going to Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance to do a degree in music performance.
Harvey Pritchard (Sport BTEC Extended Certificate)
The extended sport course I am currently undertaking is completely different to what I expected when I first came. It has changed my perception of education as a whole and has interested me in going to University, something which I wasn’t even considering when I first arrived. I chose this course as I wasn’t too keen on tests and never really performed well in them, I also really enjoy sport and thought this course would complement both those factors.
Helen Sharp (Travel and Tourism BTEC)
Travel and Tourism is such a dynamic and vibrant industry, I just knew that it would suit my bubbly personality. I love talking and dealing with customers, add in a sunny or snowy location and the thought of that was just perfection, hence why I pursued this career right out of sixth form college.
Holly Ellis (Sport Coaching and Development BTEC)
I don’t work well under the pressure of exams so therefore a BTEC course was a perfect alternative for me. The course does involve both theory and practical which educates us on different aspects of sport. We cover different job roles within the sports industry, as well as looking at governing bodies and the psychological impact within sport. The practical elements include coaching sessions led by the students of the course.
Isabella Cashmore (Sport Coaching and Development BTEC)
Choosing BTEC was one of the best decisions I have made. I have really enjoyed my whole experience of the course, from the course content to the amazing friendships I have made. All the teachers are amazing and have really helped me to understand all the work and produce assignments that I’m proud of. Over the time I have been at college, I have had some amazing experiences through BTEC such as leading events, coaching sessions and even starting my own after school gymnastics club.
James Casemore (Philosophy A Level)

James Casemore was one of our students who worked exceptionally hard during his time with us, graduating from ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½ in 2020 he went on to study at one of the most prestigious universities in America, Yale University. When chatting with James he expressed how his A-Levels, in particular Philosophy, had prepared him for university.

Jasper Burvill (Further Maths A Level)
I find maths to be an extremely satisfying subject. It is impossible to argue with its logic, and so there is very little uncertainty if you carry it out correctly. There is no fluffy writing, it is entirely based on your ability to understand the rules and spot patterns.
Joe Firth (Ancient History A Level)
I chose Ancient History for many reasons. Primarily it was because it offered a unique look into an area of history in which I had never formally learnt about before - with Ancient History rarely being taught in GCSE History. Godalming was unique in offering this course as many other colleges only offer modern history to study. In studying Ancient History, I have found it a fascinating experience that broadens your knowledge of the Ancient World.
Kieran White (IT BTEC Diploma)
I first started at ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½ as a BTEC IT Diploma student. My aim when joining was to increase my knowledge of IT and to decide on my future career path. I really enjoyed the lessons and the practical elements of the coursework were fun and challenging. Throughout my last year of being a student, I heard about the vacancy for a Department IT technician. The job really intrigued me and because I had completed the course, I knew how I could support both staff and students.
Lewis Tidy (Performing Arts BTEC)
Taking this subject was most certainly the best choice I made with my study at ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½. It was relentless yet rewarding in many factors and allowed me to collaborate with many peers and practitioners within my time on the course.
Lila Marshman (Further Maths A Level)
Maths has always been one of my favourite subjects so it made sense for me to take it at A-Level. What I enjoy about Maths is that you already have all the skills and information required to solve a problem - you just need to work out how. Finding how best to piece together information in a logical order really makes you think. Working towards a solution like this is really satisfying.
Luca Molyneux (Media Studies BTEC)
I chose Media BTEC at Godalming since it not only covered a huge amount of hands-on practical film-making skills, but also intended to teach me the many other key aspects of the industry, such as screenwriting, and after two years of learning the subject, I can say with absolute certainty it not only succeeded but excelled on all and more of these factors. Out of the hundreds of lessons, I cannot say I have had a single bad experience, so many aspects form a great working environment, whether it is the infectious passion from all the teachers or the amazing equipment that is ready to be used at any time.
Lucas Falloon (Music Technology BTEC)
The music technology course was ideal at ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½ due to the impeccable facilities and the kind staff. The moment I saw the studio I was so excited I could not wait to start the course.
Madeleine Hunt (EPQ)
The structure of an EPQ is purely self-study with the support of a mentor, and this enabled me to develop new skills which have prepared me for the future such as learning how to make a bibliography and improving time management and organisation. The sessions with my mentor were a really good way to mix with people outside of my subjects and find out more about other topics they had chosen to discuss. Working on my EPQ gave me confirmation that I am applying to the right university course and I have also built a bank of skills that I will be able to use for research projects in the future.
Megan Edwards (Art A Level)
Art allows me to create a world where my expression of self is completely free. I know that I want to be creative later on in life and am unsure in which direction I want to go, so I will be taking an art foundation course. As someone who studies and loves art, drama and music, the art department has prepared me for taking that next step.
Nina Savedra (English Literature A Level)
English Literature has always been my favourite subject, but the enthusiasm that my A-level teachers brought to the lessons made me love it even more. The texts that we study are really interesting, and I loved how we had the freedom to discuss our personal interpretations and reactions to them in class. What made English stand out the most from my other subjects was the sense of teamwork in our classes; we often did group tasks and we all got on very well, which made it easy to make friends and have engaging class discussions about the work.
Olivia Thompson (Politics A Level)
I chose politics on a whim in the first year- I have always been interested in current affairs and been good at essay writing, however, it has surpassed all my expectations and I am so glad I took it. I’ve really enjoyed the content of the course, particularly on ideologies which allowed me to understand the foundations our current political parties are built on and why they make the decisions they do, as well as explore feminism and socialism in-depth, two controversial and distinctive topics.
Peter Moor (English Literature A Level)
English Literature has always been my favourite subject, but the enthusiasm that my A-level teachers brought to the lessons made me love it even more. The texts that we study are really interesting, and I loved how we had the freedom to discuss our personal interpretations and reactions to them in class. What made English stand out the most from my other subjects was the sense of teamwork in our classes; we often did group tasks and we all got on very well, which made it easy to make friends and have engaging class discussions about the work.
Prathamesh Landge (Economics A Level)
The Economics department at ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½ has put together exemplar essays along with past papers and they are very supportive, I believe economics is a challenging subject but anyone can do easy subject.
Ruth Grice (Business BTEC)
Taking the BTEC Business course really gave me an interest in marketing. Although we studied finance, HR, international business and management it was the marketing that I like the most. We had been participating in mock interviews (which I turned out to be very good at) when I applied for a position at Unilever for a Level 3 Apprenticeship in Digital Marketing. After a long selection process, a group challenge and 3 interviews I was accepted and I will be working at Victoria Embankment in London in 2021 on campaigns with brands such as Radox, Marmite, Dove, Ben & Jerry’s and Simple. This will then lead to a sponsored degree in Marketing at South Bank University in London in 2022. When I started the course I did not know what I wanted to do but now it has all fallen into place!
Sarah Jane Coleman (Media Studies A Level)
I grew up in Los Angeles with my Dad being a screenwriter and my mother an actress so Media Studies couldn't have been more perfect for my interests. The coursework is what excited me the most with the opportunity to create my own music video. What I love most about Media Studies is that it was the kick start I needed to start putting into practice what I loved. I learned how to deconstruct media and challenge what the media presents to us, thinking about the technicality behind creativity.
Toby Brewer (Philosophy A Level)
In short, and this may sound clichéd, but philosophy is the greatest expression of humanity of all the ‘humanities’. At one stage or another, all academic devotions were considered ‘philosophy’-science, for example, was originally and aptly named ‘natural philosophy’. In Greek, ‘philosophy’ (philo sophia) simply means the ‘love of wisdom’ and, as Hermann Hesse in ‘Siddhartha’-perhaps unavoidably ironically-conveys: true wisdom cannot only be taught, it must be learned and experienced by the individual.
Vishaan Sharma (Law A Level)
Law is everywhere, we probably make around 20 contracts a day without realising, everything we do is governed by the law and no one is above the law, we are all accountable for our actions, even the Prime Minister. This kick-started my interest in this valuable subject, learning that the law was not created to only retribute, but it is a system predicated on equality, aiming to achieve the fairest outcome.
Vishaan Sharma (Maths A Level)
Something that makes the maths department, and the college, stand out, is the myriad of resources available for revision, for example, the online textbook (with solutions showing workings out), Jack Browns Maths videos, past paper questions from the old and new specification which is organised into PowerPoints, and various links to maths related websites.
Zach Thomas (IT, Games and Web Dev BTEC Diploma)
Hi, my name is Zach Thomas and I am a student at ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½ studying for an IT Games and Web Development BTEC National Diploma. I have always had an interest in the world of IT and games and this course is the perfect starting point. I have been able to explore different video games development companies, looking at how they operate in the business world and how they develop the games I often play myself.


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